
Summertime is “maintain” time . . .

At Rappahannock Landscape & Nursery, we understand . . .

  • that summer-blooming perennials and annuals bring bursts of color and beauty—then fade and die;
  • that trees, shrubs and bushes sprout and expand—sometimes blocking the sun from perennials that bloom less each year because they receive insufficient sunlight;
  • that sometimes trees, shrubs and bushes grow and expand beyond the boundaries of the areas they were designed to enhance; and,
  • that lawns grow lush and green every five days due to ample rain and sunshine, or become brittle and brown due to prolonged drought-like conditions.


At Rappahannock Landscape & Nursery, we can help.  We’ll schedule weekly or bi-monthly visits to your property to ensure your landscaped areas look beautifully cared for and remain healthy.  We can:

  • mow your lawn or bush hog your fallow fields.
  • edge the areas that define your beds.
  • deadhead your annuals and perennials, upon request.
  • prune the shrubs, bushes and trees that have expanded beyond their perimeters or whose new growth has taken an undesirable turn.

Call or e-mail Rappahannock Landscape & Nursery today at
540.937.4747 or